俄羅斯一名32歲女子眼睛下方有個腫塊,她原先以為只是一般的斑點或青春痘,5天後腫塊卻跑到眼睛上方去,沒想到10天後,她的眼睛不腫了,不過卻變成上唇腫了起來。就醫治療後才得知嚇人真相,原來這些會移動的「腫塊」 竟是活生生的寄生蟲。
醫生得知這些腫塊會移動後,馬上判定女子的皮膚下有寄生蟲,決定動手術清除,經由手術夾出寄生蟲,發現是惡絲蟲(Dirofilaria repens)。絲蟲比較常會寄生於肉食動物例如貓、狗、狼、狐狸、海獅等,通常都是經由蚊子叮咬傳染,們在宿主體內最長可以活到8年,並且在其一生中釋放數百萬隻幼蟲進入血液。
A 32-year-old woman in Russia had a lump under her eyes. She originally thought it was just a general spot or acne. After 5 days, the mass went to the top of her eyes. I didn’t expect her eyes to be swollen after 10 days, but it turned into The upper lip is swollen. It was only after the medical treatment that I learned the scary truth. These "tumors" that would move were actually living parasites.
Russian doctors published this case in the recent New England Journal of Medicine. The first symptom of this Russian woman was a very tiny mass between the left eye and the nose. After 5 days, the mass disappeared and a bubble-like bulge grew on the eyelid for up to 10 days. When she was treated for medical treatment, her upper lip was already swollen twice as large and itchy and hot.
When the doctor learned that the lumps would move, they immediately determined that there were parasites under the woman's skin, decided to remove them by surgery, and found the parasites through surgery to find Dirofilaria repens. Filaria often parasitizes carnivores such as cats, dogs, wolves, foxes, sea lions, etc., usually through mosquito bites, which can live up to 8 years in the host and release millions of larvae throughout their lifetime. Enter the blood.
In fact, this is not the first time the parasite has been found in the human body. A 2015 study showed that between 1997 and 2013, there were as many as 1,272 similar cases in Russia and Belarus. According to the woman, she traveled to the countryside outside Moscow not long ago and was bitten by many mosquitoes.
The doctor said that the human body is relatively rare in the case of parasitic worms. It is also good that the worms do not spawn in the human body. After the worms are removed, the patients have fully recovered. In addition, doctors said that in order to prevent infection, the public should pay attention to environmental hygiene, as well as personal anti-mosquito measures to avoid mosquito bites and contact with stray dogs.
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