
90歲蔡老太太因為腸造口皮膚糜爛,每天換便袋、貼便袋時都痛到哀嚎,家屬不忍,向醫師求助。醫師評估患者身體狀況,決定幫她施做微創腹腔鏡手術,在腹部開 3個小傷口切除腫瘤,同時接通大、小腸、關閉腸造口,也就是人工肛門,讓患者重拾生活品質。
光田綜合醫院大腸直腸外科主任吳喬森指出,老太太的腸造口,也就是人工肛門,是因為升結腸有顆 4到 5公分的惡性腫瘤,造成無法排便,嚴重腹水,當時為了救命,外科醫師先幫她開了腸造口。laennec老太太的兒子形容,母親每更換一次便袋就得忍受撕皮痛楚,腸造口四周都破皮。laennec

laennecThe 90-year-old Mrs. Cai’s wife was sore because of her skin in the intestines. When she changed her bag and put it on her bag every day, she was saddened. The family could not bear it and asked the doctor for help. The physician assessed the patient's physical condition and decided to help her with minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. Three small wounds were removed from the abdomen to remove the tumor. At the same time, the large and small intestines were closed, and the intestinal stoma was closed, which is the artificial anus, allowing the patient to regain the quality of life. .
Wu Qiaosen, director of the colorectal and rectal surgery at Guangtian General Hospital, pointed out that the old woman's intestine stoma, which is the artificial anus, is because the ascending colon has a malignant tumor of 4 to 5 cm, which causes inability to defecate and severe ascites. At that time, in order to save lives, the surgeon first Help her open her mouth. The old lady’s son described that the mother had to endure the pain of tearing every time she changed her pocket, and the intestines were broken around.
Wu Qiaosen said that with the increase of age, the physical function of the silver-haired people is gradually degraded, the ability to withstand drugs is low, the risk of surgery and anesthesia is relatively high, and it is usually accompanied by chronic diseases, degeneration of cardiopulmonary function, organ aging, etc. The risk of surgical treatment is more difficult to grasp.
He said that when Taiwan enters a senior society, silver-haired medical care becomes more and more important. On the other hand, elderly people often worry that they will suffer from family problems. They may be very serious when they go to hospital, reminding caregivers to pay attention to whether there are any abnormalities in their elders.
Wu Qiaosen pointed out that compared with traditional laparotomy, laparoscopic surgery only needs to make a few small holes in the patient's abdomen. After laparoscopic enlargement and ultra-high resolution images, the surgeon can help the surgeon to have a clearer view of the lesion. Laparoscopy Surgery has less trauma to the patient, faster recovery and better results, and is safer for the elderly.
Wu Qiaosen suggested that people with irregular diet, people who eat barbecue, fried or pickled foods, patients with chronic large intestine inflammatory diseases, people with colorectal cancer or family history of colorectal polyps, are the best for colorectal cancer. The prevention method is to receive colonoscopy regularly.

Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies.


Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards.

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